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”Yes, and Karrel insisted on joining us as she's also worried that it's taking this long. You've shown no other signs of ill health so she said we shouldn't wait,” Jack said. ”Yes and she mentioned it to her mother and you know how emotional she's become with her own imminent delivery. I wouldn't be surprised if she was there too!” he said with wide eyes. ”What. I can't do that! Your health is far too important to me! And to Karrel and Queen Elissa as well it seems!” She began to beat gently on his chest. ”You have to call them and cancel! I, uh, I just felt it happen! I'm pregnant! That last time must have done it!” she exclaimed. ”When you didn't show up at the Help Center for our usual session, I got a bit worried and asked female around where you lived. she knew she event couldn't stop.

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