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Once again spunk and Elaine's cream mixed together. Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the ”A” icon tab in the Story Info Box. Elaine ran her hands under her breasts, lifting them slightly, just enough to enhance her cleavage. Her fingers traced patterns around her nipple before she started to squeeze each nipple bringing new sensations to her body. Elaine pulled up her panties over her knees and up her thigh leaving them snug to a line just below her waist. Elaine was enjoying the sensation. Elaine lifted her skirts and petticoats and put her hands inside of her panties -- she was soaked. Her fingers danced over her clit, making her wetter. The second was how pretty he was, with his blue eyes home and long eyelashes. And the video second had been just days ago, flying off to Paris to rescue Cassandra.

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I appreciate all the support you've given me in your comments on my previous chapter. On a related note, there was one comment regarding the science of the universe. I do appreciate the advice, but I have to make a few story teller allowances, so bear with me. Anyways, here's chapter 11. Enjoy. ”And just who are you?!” he bellowed down at her. ”I don't recall inviting any weaklings to this ceremony!” ”Once a challenge has been issued, it must be heard and honored” she shot back. ”The duel shall be judged by Elders Niko, of the Bakkal, Salluk, of the Oran, Riggel, of the Telu, Farral, of the Votha, and Mirvak, of the Pakka.” he announced, knowing that each elder behind him stood as their name was called before making their way down to the floor. ”The duel will commence upon the readiness of the challenger and defender, provided there are no further objections.” he said, leering down at the unclothed female standing across from his son. ”Close,” I said, and we both laughed. ”But, as much fun as it was, it wasn't only-today fun. You've had your fun too.” And, I thought, don't try to tell me I'm the only one you've been spiking during this archaeological dig session. Dating chat free sex chat.I took mine off too, still lying on his bed, letting them fall to the side.
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