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When I was a kid, I used to believe in monsters. It's not exactly my greatest point of pride that I once thought Dracula, the Wolfman and Frankenstein's monster walked the earth, but really, how is that any different from believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? It was a silly notion, the voice in the back of my mind of me as a small child, back before I loved horror movies and was entranced by them only because I felt physically incapable of looking away from the terror. That me was a deer in headlights when it comes to the stuff of nightmares, at first stunned by the darkness before taking flight. The answer was easy: it didn't matter because it was Halloween. It was the night when the monsters came out to play, and tonight I was the monster's toy. It probably wouldn't happen, but it was worth remembering. The high, giddy voice giggled. This video is true. Jane smiled at the webcam familiar gambit and replied, ”I'm so sorry, sir.

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