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You can temporarily switch back to a Classic Literotica® experience during our ongoing public Beta testing. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. “But soft? Oh my God that is so soft,” Marie now breathed, feeling the plush texture of the sweater’s yarn and applique. “Surprised I’m not all gray by now; thank you so very much Michelle,” Marie smiled tightly. “Oh, come on!” Marie cajoled. “You have an ugly Christmas sweater, don’t you?” Sonny was amazed that he did find a Christmas sweater. Vaguely, he remembered Paula, his beautiful, vivacious fiancé’ giving him the sweater on their first Christmas together. The Christmas tree knitted into the sweater looked anemic and only had a few ornaments on it. Marie felt a shiver at the somewhat intimate contact. Apparently Sonny noticed the reaction; he rubbed her belly again and again, Marie shivered. Video girl webcam.He clenched himself as he stroked so hard for her.
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