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They did indeed have all night. But he would miss her body, Santa admitted to himself. Just as he was missing Wendy's, and Sophia's, and Greta's. Santa laughed at himself. Or so he thought. With a sigh, Santa grabbed the bag and went back out to find that his ride had indeed pulled up outside just as soon as he had entered his cottage. Tottsie was not the only one who wanted to give him no excuses. Dasher and Dancer had the duty this time, and they both looked ready to cut him off if he made a break for anywhere other than the sleigh they pulled. Don't make the boys suffer because of some mistakes of mine and Chris's.” It had started raining outside, dances and when I went to the door, I really wasn't looking forward to the three hour drive ahead of me, in that soup. You've teacher created a simply awesome read that captured the flavor of the time.

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”Cock”. slap. Fuck my pussy!” When she stepped out she was beginning to feel marginally human again. After toweling herself off—gently—she went back to her room to dress. Now that the day was nearly at hand she was having second thoughts and she mulled things over as she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. where she discovered all the pans from last night in the sink, where Peter had obviously put them to soak, and the dirty dishes and silverware in the dishwasher. God, what a sweetheart. She couldn't believe he was real, and hers. Striptease model models beauty.”What?” You can temporarily switch back to a Classic Literotica® experience during our ongoing public Beta testing. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements.
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