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The smile on my face refuses to leave as I begin to fuck her like this. I still go slow at first, but as I feel her becoming more open, I go faster. From the beginning she moans a high pitch groan each time I thrust as it must be more than she can take. And I get rough too, making sure to slam my hips into her and make it go as far as possible inside of her. And then to make this just a bit worse for her, I let go of her arms that I've pinned behind her, only to grab each one in one hand. I then pull back on them hard, forcing her upper body to rise. I pull and pull until her body is at a painful angle while I fuck her. I do this not just to make it worse, but now she is able to see herself in that mirror. Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the ”A” icon tab in the Story Info Box. 31 Followers. Show yourself on webcam video chat.Told her she's been fucking me over. If she was falling for Patrick's bs that she could no longer represent my best interests, so now I have better counsel,” Nora said with a smile on her lips as she felt her arms encircling her son.
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