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She gasped at the shining emerald manga erotica in Russian ring in front of her. Ok so as mentioned in a previous chapter, during our time spent watching the doggers and our brief but exciting friendship with Mike the gamekeeper, I did start seeing someone else. On with the show. Part of me was cursing inwardly at Rita knowing what I'd done, the other part. honestly? I felt proud. Every encounter I've experienced has made me stronger, boosting my inner confidence. I instinctively knew that my new friend could be trusted. A good half hour had elapsed since she'd witnessed my little indiscretion, but my words did not match up with the cheeky grin plastered all over my face. There was a kind of intensity in them in that froze her, like a deer in the woods. Fill the bitch up.” Note: You can change font size, in font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the ”A” icon tab in the Story Info Box.

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