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I had her good cellphone number so I knew I would get her. I stood behind my friend; I was the only one of the six of us still clothed. Reaching around, I cupped her marvelous breasts. She let out a low, throaty groan as I began to roll her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. Mimi was so mesmerised by the sight in front of her, it took a second for the words to sink in. Katie and Mimi's lips brushed a couple of times and I could tell it was hard for my wife to resist kissing this new lover. But there were conditions and terms to our lovemaking, and as long as Geoff was underneath Melinda, no one was allowed to kiss his wife. How to have a fun date in winter. . . ”Come on, kids,” my wife said softly. ”It's time to go.” ”Daddy?” I heard someone whisper. Her voice was soft and innocent. Angelic.
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Seeing how her 'client' was so quickly responding to the massage was causing Melissa's arousal to blossom, and soon her vagina lubricated with her own womanly essence. Slowly and methodically, Melissa worked her way from Karen's feet and ankles and then up her long shapely legs, applying more of the scented oil as her hands ventured steadily upwards. The young lawyer used her talented fingers to massage Karen's tired, tight, and sore hamstrings as she patiently inched closer and closer to her ultimate target. Melissa was pleasantly surprised when Karen wiggled her hips and voluntarily spread her legs, giving the masseuse an unfettered view of her completely hairless sex. It shocked Melissa when she realized that the conservative, strait-laced mother had actually taken the plunge and waxed her privates! As she massaged the upper portion of her friend's inner thighs, Melissa's hands were now mere centimeters away from Karen's weeping vagina. She could feel the housewife's growing excitement collecting on her fingers each time her knuckles ”accidentally” brushed up against Karen's soaking-wet pussy lips. Meanwhile, a drowsy Karen drifted along on a euphoric cloud. Stopgame en game.I moved my hand down to her opening to find that she was wet. I took no time entering her with one figure.
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