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there are just a lot of shitty guys out there and your. brazenness led me to think you were like them.” A few minutes later, I had found a booth for us all to fit in, and we congregated across the bar to chat more intimately as the alcohol kicked in. They were all in their second year of school but had become fast friends during their first year living in the dorms. Amy was pre-med but was struggling due to her commitment to the dance team. Katherine was also pre-med and helped Amy most of the time when Amy fell behind. ”No,” She shot back heatedly, ”Pre-Law!” I burst out laughing with the rest of the girls, poking a little fun at their friend's cold side. She turned red, and tried to stare some of her friends into submission. Again, the devilish smirk. Madison looked as though she wanted to say something witty, but thought better and we resumed chatting about what courses everyone was in this semester. Jessica emerged from the crowd and bounded over to our table, grabbing Amy and Katherine's hands' and trying to pull them out of the booth to dance. Amy resisted initially, enjoying the effect her hands were having on my now-turgid member. Blonde girl beautiful.I didn't want to use the shower head yet as the solvent needed to do its job so I had to put up with it.
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