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Mom froze. I said, ”Um Mom, there is something in your ass.” ”Punish you, why?” I questioned, enjoying watching Mom struggle. ”I will never hate you,” I replied, suddenly feeling guilty for playing with her this way. I took her hand in mine and added, ”You can tell me anything, Mom.” She sat there frozen as I plastered her lips with kisses until finally she opened her mouth just enough for my tongue to slip inside. She briefly kissed me back before breaking the kiss and saying, ”Victoria, this is wrong.” ”But how?” she asked, confused. I moved closer, my intent obvious. She just stared at me, shocked by my controlling manner. Her eyes went wide as I straddled her face and lowered my sopping wet pussy on Mom's shocked face. Her eyes were intent and brown, geolocator studying him in return. Witch and I geolocator did our best to not despoil the happy atmosphere.

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